Review of single “It Was an Accident” in UK’s music blog Pastel Wasteland
Belgian artist Lorena del Mar soars with textured soundscapes and ethereal melodies, in new track ‘It Was An Accident’.
Reminiscent of artists such as Kimbra and Björk in the vocals, del Mar’s experimental harmonies and vocal samples provide a bed of nostalgic yearning […]
Truly transcendent and emotionally affecting, this is a very promising introduction to the artist[…]
Review of single “It Was an Accident” in Belgian’s music blog Luminous Dash
The life story of this young woman reads like a travel story.[…]
It Was An Accident is her latest disc, floating somewhere between pop and jazz. Floating is definitely the right word for this record. It becomes a very floating tune that can best be described as an a capella crossover from The Cranberries and Death In June with a serious portion of Björk on top.[…]
[…]A second and third listen soon brings relief and lets us notice that there is still a lot of hidden beauty in this song[…]
BIRD IS THE WORM – Best of 2018 [Songs on the Eve of Dismissal]
[…]Lorena del Mar‘s vocal antics really cinch this album as a winner.[…]
The Best Jazz on Bandcamp: January 2018
[…]The vocal delivery of Lorena del Mar creates an intriguing tonal contrast between the delivery of the lyrics and their meaning […]
Interview and performace in Radio 3 (National Spanish Radio) with Sammy Jankis
Sammy Jankis: Música y Amistad
⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The Delegation: Evergreen (Canceled World)” review by Dave Wayne.
[…]Both singers (Lorena del Mar and Artemisz Polonyi) have a lovely crystalline sound; and though they sing with classically-trained precision, their phrasing is fluid and rhythmically sophisticated[…]
Listen to Lorena del Mar’s interview for the online Spanish jazz magazine JAZZTK (August 2016)
The title track of Lorena del Mar’s debut CD “My Resistance is low” made it to the All About Jazz Top 10 Editor’s Pick of June 2016 and the Top 10 Reader’s favourite MP3 Downloads of June 2016.
Mentions in Spanish National Radio:
[…]Thanks to the voice of Lorena del Mar, well known in the jazz circuit, the song [Now They’re Gone] displays a feeling of melancholy, extremely suggestive[…] “Manolo Fernández – Toma Uno” 6-4-2014
No es un día cualquiera – Segunda hora – 26/04/14
Ruta 66 Magazine, May 2014 [Sammy Jankis CD review]
Sammy Jankis releases a CD […] overflowing with feelings. Do not focus on their “melancholic pop folk” label: in their songs there is more, much more. American roots, jazz touches (the guest voice of Lorena del Mar is emotive and moving) and songs that could have been written by Lucinda Williams.
Review from Concert in “The Black Cat” (BE) (Dutch)
Jazz, geboren in New Orleans begin 1990, bestond uit een mix van Afrikaanse (slaven) – en Europese (immigranten) – muziek met Creoolse, Spaanse en Franse invloeden. Wat hier een dikke eeuw later op ons podium stond, was duidelijk een toonbeeld van het blijvende multiculturele karakter van het genre.
Zangeres Lorena (Spaans-Cubaans) demonstreerde voorbeeldig dat ze bij de standards hemels kon scatten, vooral in de hoge registers. Maar pas bij de Spaanse nummers hoorde je haar stem authentiek opkolken uit haar Latijnse aderen. Het sober duet zang-piano, met een song gebaseerd op een tekst van Julio Cortazar sneed meedogenloos doorheen je hart.
Haar band, aanvankelijk even zoekend naar de juiste balans, eens op dreef was een niet te stoppen, swingende locomotief vol dynamiek.
Pianist Alex Koo (Belgisch-Japans), bassist Matheus Nicolaiezky (Russisch-Braziliaans) en Attila Gyarfas (Joods-Hongaars) speelden de hele set gedreven ten dienste van de betoverende Lorena. Bij het uitgesponnen bisnummer kon elkeen van hen voluit demonstreren wat hij aan jazzy moois in de vingers had en dat klonk indrukwekkend veelbelovend.
New Orleans, soon they come!!!